Workers were surprised with a choreographed dance performed by dancing security guards.

Most people like to be surprised every once in a while. How the morning starts can have a big effect on the rest of the day. This is true whether someone brings donuts for the whole office or hits all green lights on the way to work. It sets the tone for the day at work. On the other hand, a surprise that isn’t so good can ruin the rest of the day.

Luckily, a few Londoners got a pleasant treat in the form of a lively, fast-paced, high-octane choreographed dance number. In a YouTube video, people are seen in what looks like a brand-new building at the opening event for Trade Desk’s new London office. Two men dressed as security guards unroll a long, white piece of ribbon, which makes some people laugh. After a few more seconds of laughing, one of the two guys says, ‘We can spice this up a bit for you.’ When the Beatles song ‘Come Together’ starts to play, he starts dancing right away. A few seconds later, the other man in the security guard outfit joins in the fun and shows off for the crowd. The song changes quickly to a Bee Gees hit, and more people join in with fancy, well-timed dance moves.

During the nearly 6-minute clip, the music changes a few times, and a few more people join the group to dance. But before the clip finishes, a woman with a big pair of scissors cuts the ribbon, making the office building open for business. People who went to the opening of the office probably had a better day than they thought they would. Who doesn’t like to start the day with a little flash mob dance?