An eco house that is warm and comfortable. It would be a real miracle to live there

I think Benjamin and Ingrid Yartefolger’s family and their 4 children are secretly envied by many. If

It seems that a reasonable person can choose a place far from the ideal climatic conditions for his habitat.

The Yartefolgers, together with friends and neighbors, built their amazing and unusual house with their own hands.

It is made exclusively of natural materials: clay, straw, granite, sand, wood and is covered with a 180 square meter geodesic dome.

This dome protects the structure from severe cold and northerly winds. If it were not there, it would be impossible to live at home.

Thanks to the well-thought-out ventilation system, a stable comfortable temperature is maintained in the house all year round.

According to the owner of the house, Ingrid, cleaning the apartment is not difficult because it is not exposed to the environment.

So, another clear plus less dust, there are no toxins and aerosols in the air, which are usually given to residents of big cities.

By the way, under the dome near the house you can see several beds that allow the family to grow organic vegetables and flower beds with different flowers.

However, because of the polar winter (and it lasts for no less than three months), it is very dark outside all day,

because most plants do not have enough light. However, it is stunningly beautiful in a secluded location at any time of the year.

The wonder house even has a place for yoga. In addition, the accommodation has a name: Naturhuset, which means ‘natural house’.

Do you want to live in an eco-friendly house in the Arctic Circle? Write us your answer in the comments and don’t forget to share the article with your friends.