Primitive technology: building a wattle and daub hut with bare hands and no modern tools

If you’re a fan of nature, outdoor living, or even arts and crafts, or if you just like to do things for yourself in general, you’re going to be very excited to see what we brought to show you today. There are many incredible people out there who are always outside, seeking adventure, and providing themselves with everything that they need using their own hands and what nature has given them. The next video will show you how a single man can make a building by himself with nothing but his own hands.

Videos like the one below are amazing because, not only is it impressive to see the skill and all of the time that people dedicate to their creations, but also the perseverance and the determination to learn how to do all of these things, and the confidence that they need to pull them off.

The man in the video shows how to build a solid hut in the woods, using only his hands, a stone ‘knife,’ and whatever he could find in nature. It’s no simple tent, either. He uses a clever combination of dried leaves, sticks of different lengths and sizes, clay, mud, and rocks, to create a small 2×2 cabin with a chimney and everything.

Considering what he used to build it, it sure is incredibly fancy and handy. Who needs civilization now? Watch this incredible DIY tutorial in the video right under here.