Jaw-dropping before and after of garage turned into a lovely tiny home

Over the past few years, tiny houses have become a popular way for people to build their own homes without spending a ton of money. When a couple transforms their dusty old garage into a tiny modern house, you’ll want to move in.

In the video below, we see Caitlin Bigelow from Maxable Space show us a tour of this granny flat. Bigelow mentions that “…converting your garage is the most cost-effective way to get a second rentable unit on your property.”

This flat belongs to Becca and Anthony Ayon from Portland. The couple decided to flip their useless garage into an accessory dwelling unit, or ADU, to save money on their mortgage. The two rent out their main house and reside in the granny flat.

With a small yet convenient kitchen and a bathroom with everything you need, this living space is pretty unique. There’s also a spacious bedroom and living room that is decorated with vertical designs on the walls to make the living space look taller by drawing the eyes up.