Mom of six babies girl after overnight

Mom Of Six Babies Girl After Overnight Danielle Busby is a social media star who is well-known for her family’s 1.92 million-subscriber YouTube channel. Danielle and her family have amassed millions of followers on social media over the years. With their six girls, they have been sharing their daily life with their YouTube fans. Danielle … Read more

Seeing triple: identical triplets born at odds of 200million to one (and even mummy has to paint their fingernails to tell the difference)

The birth of these ‘tridentical’ triplets has defied odds of 200million to one – with an identical set of three siblings almost unheard of. Thomas, Edward and Harry Chalwin were delivered by Caesarian section at 34 weeks weighing just 4lbs each in April. The trio all had to wear gastric feeding tubes for the first … Read more

Parents are shocked to have a blonde baby girl with fair skin.

Parents are surprised to have a blonde, fair-skinned baby girl. Edith Garcia even started to doubt herself because neither she nor her husband looked like the baby. She wondered who could be the baby’s father. When a mother asked about her daughter’s parents because her daughter had fair skin, she was told that her daughter … Read more