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3-month-old baby sings with her mom

Meet Willow Baby Willow captures her mom’s heart with just her mere existence, but she makes her heart melt when she shows adoration in her mom’s singing. Her Girl   Willow’s mom, Ariana, sings “My Girl” to her precious little girl, and her baby responds with coos and smiles as if complimenting her mom’s voice. … Read more

11-week-old baby girl speaks for the first time

Wait till you see how lovely she is as she says her personal title. Her title is Eela, and he or she achieved this outstanding feat on the tender age of 11 weeks As they uncover the wonders of speech, newborns like to chatter away at breakneck velocity, making all types of sounds. Mother and … Read more

Parents are shocked to have a blonde baby girl with fair skin.

Parents are surprised to have a blonde, fair-skinned baby girl. Edith Garcia even started to doubt herself because neither she nor her husband looked like the baby. She wondered who could be the baby’s father. When a mother asked about her daughter’s parents because her daughter had fair skin, she was told that her daughter … Read more