This cute conversation between a 2 month old baby and her daddy will bring a smile to your face

Arabella had just recently figured out that she could talk to her dad. So she coos her little heart out as she looks up at dada with those beautiful eyes, not knowing that she is holding daddy’s heart in her little hands.

Her dad, Zac, isn’t the least bit upset. He is a very happy dad.

Zac puts his feet up, rests, and holds his sweet girl in his arms, enjoying the moment. The only thing that matters between a father and his daughter is what they say to each other.

Arabella talks in “baby talk,” but Zac is able to understand her. As long as it is felt, love doesn’t care how it is shown.

Snicky58 agrees with this, saying,

“What a cute kid.” “I love you, Daddy,” was definitely what she was trying to say.

“That is a beautiful, healthy baby!” said someone else. She makes us happy, and you are lucky to have her.

Moms are often praised, and rightly so, for all they do. Mothers hold their babies for nine months, give birth to them, stay up all night, and do most of the dirty work. Men are seen as parents who go to work, come home, and spend time with their kids before doing it all over again the next day.

Experts have found that dads are also kind and loving.

On their website, parents put up a study.

Marsha Kaitz, a psychologist at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, says, “When their senses of sight, hearing, and smell were inhibited, moms and dads who had spent at least an hour with their newborn were just as good at identifying her by petting the backs of her hands.” Ross Parke, Ph.D., who is in charge of the Center for Family Studies at the University of California, Riverside, watched how children behaved during their first two days of life. After many years of research, he has always found that men are just as sensitive to a baby’s signs as women and just as able to respond in the right way.

Zac would rather stay at home with Arabella if he had the choice. While mom goes to the spa for a well-deserved day off, this dad would be happy to feed and clean his talkative baby girl.

She’s so cute! Those full cherry cheeks are begging to be kissed. And it’s so cute how she kicks her legs and stretches them out as she coos at her father.

Zac is acting the way he should in this situation. He talks with her and touches her at the same time. It helps a child get closer to his or her parent. You can’t see it, but it’s there.

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