9-month-old baby girl joins her parents in worshipping god in adorable video

People say that children are great imitators, that’s why we need to give them something great to imitate. – Anonymous

Sadie Robertson and Christian Huff are doing a wonderful job by simply bringing their adorable baby girl to church at an early age.

They haven’t even started teaching her bible stories or preachy nuggets of wisdom about life but they just brought her with them.

The reality television star, Sadie Robertson Huff, shared her cute daughter who was caught on camera joining them during a church service.

Huff’s daughter seemed to be curious about what the other people around her were doing with it’s loud music and everyone singing together.

The 9-month old baby, in its curiosity, keenly observing everyone and eventually copied them.

Saddie even posted a reflective realization on Instagram about seeing Honey worship.

She smiled with an overwhelming feeling of joy and awe while watching their daughter in curiosity in her eyes.

Honey became more confident in raising both of her arms when she saw her parents worship the Lord together. Who knows how an innocent baby genuinely gives her all for our Father in heaven with pure and utmost worship.

But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:23-24 ESV

The reality television star made the most of that sweet moment to savor and reflect on the beauty of worshiping God. She also said that while it can be intimidating, confusing, and awkward to be fully open to God, it is one of the most important thing since it strengthens your intimacy with the Lord.


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Публикация от Sadie Robertson Huff (@legitsadierob)

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Публикация от Sadie Robertson Huff (@legitsadierob)

She even emphasized that experiencing even a glimpse of the goodness of God here on earth overwhelms us that we just can’t contain the gratitude in our hearts. It gives us the feeling that everything or everyone arounds us will just shrink down because all that matters is you and the Lord.

Saddie is also fully convinced that no matter how troubled the world is, our King is our ultimate HOPE – so our hearts will be lifted high unto Him.

The video was posted on Instagram and went viral where hundreds of thousands of followers were touched and inspired!

Watch: Sadie Robertson Huff’s Daughter Lifts Her Arms In Praise During Worship

How cute is it to see babies copy everything that’s happening around them.

Children are really good imitators! They are good mirrors of what parents imitate to them.