11-year-old yodeling girl surprised ‘Got Talent’ judges

Talent doesn’t know limits. Proof of this is 11-year-old Sofia Shkidchenko that fascinated the judges at Ukraine’s Got Talent with yodeling of all things.

Performing in a televised talent competition is not easy and yet, 11-year-old Sofia Shkidchenko from Kyiv, Russia doesn’t seem to mind it at all.

Her charismatic confidence comes from her mother’s support. “She is very talented. Therefore, I try to give her as much as possible,” said the mother.

“I can sing yodel. Everyone can’t do that,” said Sofia with confidence. Judges seemed a bit surprised and amused at the same time. “I am ready to listen.” said one of the judges and the aural spectacle began.

Sofia chose a song made popular by an Englishman Frank Ifield, ‘She Taught Me How to Yodel’. This song earned him the nickname of “The Yodeling Cowboy”. It is perhaps the most famous song known to yodelers and yodeling fans alike.

Sofia executed the song perfectly with an astonishing yodeling technique. The audience was up on its feet and the judges enjoyed it. She received three yeses and moved forward on Ukraine’s Got Talent to the delight of her fans. You can count us among them.