3-year-old figure skater twirls around the ice

The best way to learn is to start when you’re young! Whether it’s playing the piano, singing, dancing or ice skating, kids brains and motor skills are malleable. They’re able to soak and take in information, plus when they’re this young, they’ve got more of their life to spend on their craft. Imagine how good you could be at anything if you started when you were a toddler? Oh, the possibilities!

This little girl is Riana Kadyrovan from the Tatarstan region of Russia, and she’s only three years old. Stay tuned, because this girl is headed straight for gold!

She’s been hitting the ice since she was two, and picked up a few of her skills from her mom who is both her coach and her mentor. In this clip, from the moment she pushes out onto the ice, she’s got all eyes on her. She’s whipping around with confidence and ease, melting everyone’s hearts as she glides across the ice. She’s even got a few turns, spins, leg lifts and mini jumps up her sleeve!

Riana is wearing an inspired traditional Russian dress that’s been shortened with added sparkles. It’s a deep red with gold embellishments and bells out at the bottom. She’s got an adorable, poufy sleeved white blouse underneath and super glittery beige stockings to complete her outfit and skillset. She’s the whole package!

I can’t quite remember what I was doing at the age of three, but I know there was no way I was gliding across the ice with moves like Riana! You go, girl!

Click below to watch this tiny tot melt the ice with her talent. Her original video has over 7 million views (and we can see why)!