The song “There Will Be Time” by Mumford & Sons is perfect for ice skating

Two Canadian ice dancers, Jordyn Lewis and Noah McMillan, worked out to the song “There Will Be Time” by Mumford & Sons and Baaba Maal.

They did this to get ready for the Junior Free Dance in 2023. They started their routine as if it were competition day despite the practically empty rink.

Jordyn leaned back as Noah squatted down behind her and caught her. With time and practice, each pair of skaters achieves this degree of unshakable trust. Then they began to drop.Jordyn and Noah glided through the ice like angels. When Noah took the lead, they both immediately began to spin. They were surrounded by other skaters who were in awe of them.

Even during training, they executed their duties well. Noah and Jordyn danced with astonishing synchrony as they grew farther apart. On the ice, their bodies appeared to be quite normal.

Noah hoisted Jordyn off the ice and then turned her around. She put all of her weight on him, and he helped her. They were calm when others could have been scared.Noah and Jordyn moved more quickly and grinned widely as the music grew louder. Before the performance was over, their audience clapped and cheered them.