An elderly couple hears their favorite song and turns the restaurant into a dance floor

When we think about aging, many of us picture the bleak picture of a bedridden person, unable to enjoy social life, or living in the memories they made when they were younger.

But this is not about a couple, which will be discussed in our article! These two from Texas showed the surprised crowd that not only is old age not to be feared it’s also fun!

This lovely married couple decided to go to a restaurant while on vacation in Canada. After hearing the melodic sound of Keith Mullins who, by the way,

subsequently posted the video on Youtube – they naturally decided to look into the institution where he played and enjoy a meal while listening to live music.

It was only when Mullins started playing an acoustic version of Bruno Mars’ ‘Uptown Funk’that things got interesting!

Bruno Mars is extremely popular among young people, but his music is hardly associated with the older generations.

Our couple decided to defy all preconceptions and jumped up from their chairs at the sound of groovy music.

They began to dance around the restaurant with smiles from ear to ear. The amazed audience was delighted to see that this couple in love not only loves modern music, but also knows how to dance to it!

The popularity of this video clearly proves one thing: age does not define who we are and what we should do.

Many of us believe that aging is a process that cannot be enjoyed. But perhaps we should look at things a little differently and break the stereotypes of society.

It is necessary to live in such a way that there is no pity for wasted years: incendiary and fun!