A professional band of Navy sailors wows the crowd with their renditions of classic hits from the ’60s.

The largest and most potent naval force in the world is the United States Navy. The United States Navy was established on March 27, 1794,

and has steadily grown to become the third-largest branch of the American armed forces. The mission statement of the United States Navy reads as follows:

To win battles and wars while assuring security and deterrence by continual forward presence, naval soldiers must be recruited, trained, equipped, and organized for warfare.

To cope with sea life and work as a cohesive team, sailors would use music.Songs were once used by sailors on Navy ships to help them deal with life at sea.

Sea shanties, shantyman’s songs, or marine labor songs are the names given to these tunes. They were

sung to old-fashioned songs to aid with rhythmic work. They helped the crew work together as they were sang.

The Navy’s musicians served the organization in numerous capacities. Many artists have enlisted in the United States Navy as it has grown.

It was found that these musicians’ performances at celebrations and funerals raised the morale of both citizens and sailors.

A number of musical associations have been founded by musicians in the Navy since 1794.
A ceremonial band,

commodores, concert band, cruisers, country current group, and sea chanters are among the six performance ensembles that the US Navy now has.

Over 9.1 million people saw the captivating performance by The Sea Chanters after it went viral.

Five sailors in the sea chanters enchanted the audience in 2014 with their performance. In Washington, DC’s Memorial Plaza,

the performance was a part of the Avenue series for the United States Navy Memorial. Their musical tastes bring to mind the 1960s Jersey Boys.

The tunes were from the 1960s, yet the audience still thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
The Jersey Boys songs that these sea chanters revived pleased the audience,

bringing them to their feet as they rose from their seats and started to dance and sing along, even though the 1960s had long since passed.

These men moved in time to the music, much like sailors humming sea shanties.The sea chanters alternated

ascending the platform and roaring out their solos throughout the concert, much like the old sailors would on their boats.