Pink hands a microphone to a 12-year-old girl, whose voice completely impresses the audience. Video

Rarely do people get the chance to play with their favorite artists. The great majority of people won’t ever get this chance, in actuality. Due to this,

12-year-old Victoria Anthony tweeted in 2018 that she would like to meet the famous pop star Pink and attend one of her future performances in Vancouver.

Victoria has been singing since she was a young child and is a self-taught musician. You would never guess that the young girl,

who is just 12 years old, had such a mastery of music due to the beauty of her voice. She is able to sing while simultaneously playing the piano and guitar.

When she posted a video on Twitter asking to play at Pink’s upcoming concert and even referenced the pop diva in the tweet,

people were baffled. On the other hand, Victoria’s voice swiftly gained attention, and she soon became well-known online!

She wasn’t certain Pink had even heard her message, even this, though. She thought that the pop singer had either ignored or never heard the message because she was so busy.

Pink’s performance on May 12 at the Rogers Arena in Vancouver thus caught Victoria and her mother off guard.

Pink abruptly stopped midway through her performance to ask if Victoria was present. Victoria had

the opportunity to meet her hero and even perform in front of her. Victoria’s incredible voice completely astounded Pink.

Pink interrupted the concert in the video, which was shared on Victoria’s Twitter and YouTube pages, and asked whether Victoria was there.

‘Are you the guy I read about in the news, then?” she said. ‘Are you singing?’ When Victoria and her mother established that she was,

in fact, that girl, Pink asked if they wanted to come to sing anything. Pink approached Victoria and her mother

in the front row of the standing area immediately in front of the stage because they were unable to leave and join

the stage. Pink quips that Victoria shouldn’t pass out because she was so happy at the time.
Pink arrived at Victoria’s house and introduced herself as Alecia, her real name.

“You may sing whatever you want,” she said when she was asked whether she wanted to sing. Despite her obvious discomfort,

Victoria made the decision to sing ‘Perfect’ immediately. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

for her to sing live in front of thousands of people for her favorite pop performer.

Victoria immediately began the song, and the voice that emerged was far more skilled than her years. Pink was immediately amazed.

She mouthed ‘wow’ multiple times, and her expressions spoke for themselves. The fact that Victoria

played so well acoustically and in front of such a large crowd is absolutely incredible. Her talent was obvious.

Pink embraced Victoria and encouraged her to ‘Never Stop’ after her excellent performance. Hearing those

comments from her hero must be the most inspirational thing for a little child. Pink then inquired about Victoria’s age, saying:

I used to sound like Alvin and the Chipmunks when I was 12 years old.

Pink thanked Victoria once again before returning to the stage to continue the performance. Meanwhile,

Victoria’s mother captured her daughter’s complete amazement on tape. She probably didn’t have time

to understand all that happened in that short second, but luckily she had the tape to relive the event again and again.

Victoria published the video on her Twitter and YouTube accounts, and it has had over 16.5 million views on YouTube since then!

Not only did Victoria receive the opportunity of a lifetime, but millions of others across the world have continued to enjoy and remember the event.

It must be incredible to feel that way. Many people remarked on Pink’s thoughtfulness in enabling Victoria to perform. Someone stated:

‘It’s really generous of the musicians to let audience members sing like that in front of such a huge crowd.’

Pink’s kindness and the event will live with her forever. It’s adorable to see Josh Groban do the same thing.

View the video below: