Take a look at this touching modern performance set to ‘Thank God I Do’ by Lauren Daigle. It’s so beautiful

‘I’ve seen love come and love walk away; there are so many unanswered questions; will anyone stay?

It’s been a difficult year, with many tearful evenings, all the darkness, and trying to overcome my worries.

I’ve been alone for so long that I don’t know who I would be without You; I probably would have fallen off the cliff.

Keep holding me; I don’t know what would happen if You let go. Emily Hinkle created and choreographed this lovely dance.

She does an amazing job of evoking the lyrics and music as she travels across the stage with ease.

The uncertainty and loneliness inspired Lauren Daigle to write the song ‘Thank God I Do,’ as she came to appreciate the value

of having particular individuals in her life for a particular reason. She also discussed the song’s creation in an interview.

‘During the pandemic, everyone was confined to Zoom, so I created a number of girl’s groups to keep in touch with friends.

The online communities gave me the opportunity to catch up with pals I couldn’t keep up with frequently because no one was out traveling or connecting in person.

This inspired the song, ‘Praise the Lord,’in which we thank Him for bringing us into a relationship with Him and for sending us the right people at the right times.

We sincerely hope you liked this graceful dance and found some inspiration in the music and lyrics of ‘Thank God I Do’ today.