Unassuming teacher surprises AGT judges with rock performance… video

Teachers are a unique breed of individuals. They provide the knowledge and abilities required for success to the coming generation.

Due to the nature of their work, the majority of instructors avoid the limelight. They are more than willing to give credit to another individual and aid that person in realizing their goals.

That kind of individual is John Wines, a 59-year-old music instructor from the United Kingdom. He enjoys

sharing his passion for music with young people. John is also a modest, introverted person who avoids the limelight. He acknowledged that he was anxious before his audition.

‘Nervous? John told Heidi Klum, ‘Oh, just a little bit.

John flung his electric guitar over his shoulder at the start of his audition. At first, both the judges and the audience were

a little concerned. He had a guitar and an amplifier, and they made some unsettling noises. But that was short-lived.

Right away, John started singing Queen’s ‘We Will Rock You.’ The studio crowd erupted in applause when the British music instructor played the iconic Queen song.

Then John launches into a guitar riff that would have inspired envy in even the most seasoned guitarists. His hands and fingers move quickly around the guitar in all directions.

The audience adores it to pieces! They rise to their feet and give John a standing ovation for his outstanding audition.

The audience at one point starts chanting, ‘We want more, we want more.’ Their enthusiastic response overwhelms John, causing him to cry.

It’s not surprising that John receives four yes votes from the judges after his fantastic audition. John is a great musician!