He is presently a model for Gucci. Macaulay Culkin, 42, has gained weight and impressed admirers with his new look.

Macaulay Culkin, the American actor best known for his role in the iconic Christmas comedy “Home Alone,” has returned to the spotlight. Macaulay Culkin has made a comeback in the entertainment world after conquering personal challenges and embracing a healthier lifestyle. Thanks to a collaborative deal between the Italian fashion house and the actor, he … Read more

The artist from New York imagines what superstars might look like if they were ordinary people.

A pleasant occurrence that may or may not have occurred is commonly mentioned in the success stories of first-magnitude stars. The persons listed below might then enjoy a simple human existence free of the responsibilities of wealth and worldwide notoriety. When New York artist Danny Evans first explored this, he developed the Planet Hiltron project, … Read more