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This overweight boy danced so well that everyone called him a master after the dance. In the end it turned out that he really was a choreographer

We have mentioned many times that dancing can have a positive effect on both body and feelings. Dancing can affect a person’s inner world. Often people find reasons that prevent them from dancing. However, nothing can stop a person if he has an inexhaustible desire. This will be proved to us today by a young … Read more

Three girls who arrived to participate in the competition presented themselves very beautifully and gained a large audience

In recent years, the participation of children in shows and on television has increased . They come to discover their abilities and skills. Now there are many popular shows and TV shows that provide opportunities for children to develop and deepen their skills. People with different abilities participate in those shows, who compete. Children’s participation … Read more

The 88-year-old woman got on the stage wearing colorful feathers and started dancing

Sometimes older women show greater talent and abilities than is typical for their age. The 88-year-old dancer who participated in the America’s Got Talent competition is a vivid proof of this. She attracted the judges and viewers with her performance during the auditions. Penny, an 88-year-old dancer, considered herself a unique and talented dancer and … Read more