Adorable 2-year-old toddler girl performs irish jig

For families of Irish heritage, the classical Irish jig is a well-known dance. It’s relatively simple, at least to start, requiring what looks like some skipping and hopping. Professional dancers, obviously, will perform an in-depth version of the jig, making relatively quick and somewhat complicated moves. At its core, however, it is a simple and happy dance that has quite a lot of history behind it.

In this video posted to Youtube back in 2017, this tiny toddler surely knows how to get her jig on and celebrate her Irish heritage.
If there’s one thing that everyone can agree on, no matter your heritage, however, it’s that watching a young child dance is cute. Toddlers often quite enjoy dancing, to boot.

This is likely due to the fact that these small children have so much energy, and dancing allows them to constructively find a way to let it out. Plus, it allows them to show off their fancy, new-found coordination. It’s a win for everyone involved, and it’s adorable.

One two-year-old, in particular, knows quite a lot about her Irish heritage. In fact, she understands exactly how to perform some of the more complicated parts of the traditional Irish jig herself. At a family get together, this little girl showed off her skills on a small stage.

Luckily, someone caught it all on camera, and her mom decided to share it online for us all to enjoy. The little girl is clearly excited to get to perform her dance moves for everyone.

Toddlers often are excited to show off when they’ve learned a new skill, so you can’t say this is entirely surprising. However, this little girl, realistically speaking, is an incredibly talented dancer.

At two years old, most children aren’t able to move in tune with the music or perform multiple, somewhat complicated dance steps. This two-year-old has it down, though, and it’s clear she wants everyone to pay attention to her while she dances.

If we had to guess, she’s definitely been practicing the dance at home. It’s either she is well-versed in performing these dance moves with her mom, or she is an absolute natural at learning how to dance, moving to the rhythm of the music, and remembering advanced choreography.

Either way, she does an excellent job of performing the jig, and she does it with an astounding amount of confidence. As many individuals online pointed out, this little girl is definitely destined to be a talented dancer one day.

Most adults are unable to learn how to perform the jig as successfully as this little girl did. And, even if they could perform it that well, many of us lack the confidence we need to perform in front of a crowd without so much as a hint of hesitation. She takes the stage and is perfectly ready to show everyone her moves.

Naturally, her mom stands behind her, giving her just a little bit of guidance. But if you watch this adorable two-year-old, it is obvious she doesn’t need her mom’s help. She knows exactly what she needs to do and when she needs to do it. In her world, her mom is just a backup dancer, and she is the star.

Realistically speaking, we all expect that this little girl will grow up to be an excellent dancer in the future. We hope that she continues this passion for dance, because most of us would love to see her live one day. For right now, though, we are simply going to focus on how adorable she is performing for her family.

Have you ever seen a little kid dance that well before? Did you find her moves as adorable as we did? Let us know and pass this heartwarming video on to your friends and family members to brighten their days.