“This is how I love her.” Fans were surprised when Pierce Brosnan shared a picture of his pregnant wife.

It’s hard to believe that the well-known actor is already 68 years old! Recent pictures show that Pierce Brosnan looks to be in great shape. Pierce, for instance, doesn’t try to hide the fact that he only likes one woman.

In 2001, the star got married to the beautiful Keeley, and he still loves her very much to this day. People who like Pierce’s wife say that she has changed a lot in the last 20 years.

The picture of Keeley when she was fat is often talked about in the comments section. The answer Pierce gives is short: “I love her like this.” “Beautiful couple,” one notes. “What a great example,” says one person, “the exception to the rule.”

“Bravo, Pierce,” the author says. “A true one-liner.” One of the couple’s fans wrote on their most recent picture together, “I wish Pierce was like that.”

So, what do you think?