How the “world’s strongest kid” looks 20 years after he became famous

When he was younger, Richard Sandrak was the strongest boy in the world. His photos were in all the magazines, he led a sports show, and he even played in movies. This was all because he was such a great athlete, and he hit this level when he was only 6 years old.

The parents of Richard are both famous sports. When the boy was 2 years old, they started putting him through sports training. Over time, the child started to become interested in games himself. Then, his father found him a coach: a professional bodybuilder who was willing to work with a baby, even though bodybuilding is not a sport for kids and wasn’t a good fit for the child’s overall physical growth.

And by the time he was 6, Richard had already done a lot of great things. He squeezed about 80 kg out of the bench press, making his body look like that of an experienced adult athlete.

The boy’s body changed and got better every year, which helped him become well-known in the media. He promoted everything that had to do with living a good life.

But then, people stopped liking the child and started worrying about his physical and mental health. The news started to say that the child had only 1% body fat, which is dangerous for a kid his age. A lot of bad things were said about his parents.

And it turned out, after many years, that the baby’s father was mean to him and made him eat a strict diet and train for 7 hours a day. Because of all of these things, young Hercules’ schooling was over.

Richard still plays sports, but not as much as he used to. He’s still in good shape, but it’s not as good as what he’s done in the past. A young man who works as a stuntman says he doesn’t regret growing up playing sports.