The judges were amazed by the performance of this 12-year-old boy, who even skipped school to participate in auditions. Video

The 12-year-old started crying as he received three yeses after belting out a stirring cover of Feeling Good by Nina Simone.

Ronan received the thumbs up from judges Michael McIntyre, Amanda Holden, and Louis Walsh.

He had missed school that day in order to attend the audition with his mother Maggie and father Trevor, who were waiting in the wings with anticipation.

Despite Maggie’s concerns about the judges’ and audience’s reaction, he earned a thunderous round of applause, making him one of the most well-liked acts thus far in this series.

So you skipped a day of school, remarked Judge Michael McIntyre. I wouldn’t bother going back. Your star power is small.

You took over a room and destroyed its roof. We’ve seen better, but you’re the best.’

David Hasselhoff’s replacement, guest judge Louis Walsh, said: ‘I’m going to predict really tremendous things for you.’ You’re amazing.

When he appeared on Britain’s Got Talent, Ronan Parke won the hearts of the nation.