The 59-year-old performer amazes everyone on stage, causing Simon to say, ‘I was not expecting that.’

John Wines, 59, might easily be mistaken for your favorite neighbor due to his nice grin and m

helpful disposition.But, beneath his pleasant appearance, he has the makings of a rockstar.

Wines, who goes by the moniker ‘Old Grey Guitarist,’ has 1.3 million followers on Instagram and TikTok.

Wines is now prepared to announce himself to the world on America’s Got Talent.

In the pre-audition conversation, Wines expresses his love of music and commitment to instructing children.

Nobody is sure what to expect from him given his modest demeanor.

The unassuming teacher shocks everyone by taking the stage and channeling the sounds of Brian May and Eddie Van Halen through his electric guitar.

He starts off with a barrage of whammy antics before launching into a vivacious performance of Queen’s legendary hymn, ‘We Will Rock You.’

The judges and the audience can’t help but clap and stomp in unison. Wines displays his remarkable abilities with tapping that is reminiscent of Eddie Van Halen.

Guitar lovers understand the importance of copying two of the best names in guitar, May and Van Halen.

Unexpectedly, Wines worked as an electrician before switching to teaching, which adds another dimension to his engrossing tale.

Wines sadly ends his performance despite the crowd shouting for more and even the host Terry Crews wanting more guitar licks.

He is clearly moved by the fervent affection and admiration. Simon Cowell comments on Wines’ change

from a ‘normal and nice’ person into a fascinating performer and expresses his surprise at this.

Wines’ legs start to tremble as he admits that it was the most thrilling thing he had ever done.

Unsurprisingly, Wines receives unanimous approval from the four judges, who all praise his tremendous talent.

Wines is a prime example of the adage ‘never judge a book by its cover,’ as he defies convention and merits praise regardless of his appearance.

We will undoubtedly see more of this amazing guitar-shredding man as he continues to amaze and inspire audiences.

View the video of his unexpected performance below!