The artist from New York imagines what superstars might look like if they were ordinary people.

A pleasant occurrence that may or may not have occurred is commonly mentioned in the success stories of first-magnitude stars. The persons listed below might then enjoy a simple human existence free of the responsibilities of wealth and worldwide notoriety.

When New York artist Danny Evans first explored this, he developed the Planet Hiltron project, in which famous individuals are represented as average Earthlings without stylists, expensive doctors, or personal trainers. For additional fun, the artist transferred them to the 1980s.

It was usually given to foreign talents, such as actors and musicians, who are well-known even without a signature. And it’s terrible to see them evolve!

Cameron Diaz

Nicole Kidman

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie


Britney Spears

Johnny Depp

David and Victoria Beckham

Jay-Z and Beyoncé

Jennifer Aniston

Gwyneth Paltrow

Lindsey Lohan

Chris Brown

Tom Cruise

Ashley and Jessica Simpson

Jon Hamm

Madonna and Lady Gaga

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian

Jennifer Lopez

John Travolta