School boy wows onlookers with Mozart sonata on train station piano

He “blew everyone away” – schoolbag-adorned young pianist effortlessly plays a virtuosic sonata at London’s King’s Cross station.

Last week, a group of children from Hull journeyed south on a ‘London Experience’, taking in the buzz, sights, and history of the UK capital.

But it ended with some musical buzz of its own, thanks to an impressive impromptu performance of Mozart on a train station piano.

After an action-packed day, the group, led by the charity Hull and East Yorkshire Children’s University were waiting at Kings Cross station for their train home. This was where one musically-minded student spotted a vacant public piano.

With his backpack still on, and no piano stool needed, the young maestro took to the instrument.

“What happened next blew everyone away,” said the charity as they posted the performance to Facebook. Watch below…