11-year-old bought a vintage camper for $400 and transforms it into a sweet small house.

Many of us recall spending time with friends and participating in sports when we were 11 years old.

Lauren Nelson, who was 11 years old, had a much larger goal in mind.She desired to convert a camper into her very own tiny home.

Lauren, from Attica, New York, was determined to have a fruitful summer when COVID caused the bulk of social events to be cancelled.

Lauren began to formulate her ideas for her goal after being motivated by an American Girl doll magazine.

Her objective was to purchase a van for the least amount of money feasible because in American Girl, a $650 toy VW bus was available.

Mom Aimee Nelson remembered what happened when her kid showed her parents the magazine in the following interview with WKBW:

‘That’s insane, you could purchase your own camper for that money,’ my husband said.
The young girl made the decision to spend that amount of money on her own camper.

Lauren started looking for campers that would make the ideal compact home after saving all of her pocket money.

Her mother Aimee told NY Post that her daughter had amassed money from events like Easter and the Tooth Fairy over years.

It turned out that a neighbor just down the road was offering a 20-foot-long camper for sale at a price that was quite reasonable, and despite its battered appearance, Lauren fell in love with it right away.

The camper was being offered for a price that was out of the 11-year-price old’s range, so she had to negotiate. She acknowledged that lowering the price wasn’t difficult, adding:

He asked for $500, and I responded with $400 because that is how much money I had in my bank account. Then he said ‘sold.’

Even for a pre-teen with minimal prior experience with manual labor, the actual restoration process was anything but simple.

But Lauren was willing to put in the effort, so she started by thoroughly cleaning her new, little house.

Of course, Lauren had to make more savings as the refurbishment required money as well.She spent about $400 on her bohemian hideaway’s furniture and accents combined.

Lauren was inspired by the HGTV program Tiny House Hunters, and to put her ideas together, she conducted independent research and browsed Pinterest.

Her house has a neutral color scheme of black, white, and grey with the occasional potted plant and mandala ornament.

You have access to a comfortable living area, a bedroom with four beds, a small bathroom, and a kitchen.

Although there isn’t much room, the bedroom has a cupboard for storage, and the kitchen and living room both have cupboards.

The 11-year-old has encouraged others to join the small home community because she enjoys it so much.

Lauren’s parents deserve praise for letting her explore her creative side because her home is undeniably adorable.

Not all parents would permit their child to purchase a camper and remodel it in their backyard, but Lauren’s parents saw it for what it was: a safe project that would teach Lauren many life skills.

See Lauren’s lovely camper up close in the video below. Simply anticipate wanting your own!