Artist carves hyperrealistic Chevrolet Corvette using a block of wood

It is incredible to see skilled craftsmanship at work. This video showcases the skill of woodworking art as they re-create the Chevrolet Corvette out of a block of wood.

The artist starts with a rectangular block of wood and traces the pattern over it. They cut the block into larger pieces that they start to work very precisely.

Doors get chiseled, and tires are made with the help of a drill. Tablesaws, hacksaws, and chisels are used at random intervals to create the sleek shape of the Corvette.

Even the complicated interior of the car with its dashboard and bucket seats are shaped from the plain wood blocks the craftsman starts with. What must have taken hours is compressed into an 8-minute video.

Everyone can appreciate the process and the patience of the artist. Each line is chiseled methodically, and paint and metal are added to highlight the taillights. Even the rims are designed exactly like the Corvette’s.

While it is too small to drive for anyone who isn’t action-figure size, it does move across the floor thanks to its spinning wheels. Plus, a block of wood costs much less than the Corvette’s price tag of $60,000.