Seven girlfriends turn an abandoned building into a mansion where they dream of old age

Intentionally or not, the seven friends from China just tuned in to the perfect Golden Girls scenario.

They purchased the mansion in 2018 to grow old together while living under the same roof with friends. Dorothy, Rose, Blanche and Sophia did the same in the popular TV series.

You must have also talked about this with your friends: a life together in which everyone has complete freedom of action.

It would be ideal to prepare for retirement, when all your time will belong only to you. It might sound like a joke, but these girlfriends thought so too at first.

But their thoughts suddenly became reality when they found the perfect home near Guangzhou. They tightened their belts and threw in their savings to buy the house for themselves.

The seven girls raised the required 4 million yuan ($580,000), according to the Shanghaiist. Very soon the house became property.

Their friendship has lasted for twenty years. They claim they are ‘closer than siblings’ and the new video gives viewers a great idea of ​​what the interior of the magnificent mansion looks like.

The house is located among lush green rice fields in the village, from which you can drive to the city in about an hour.

The mansion features modern glass structures that fit perfectly into the stunning landscape. It even has a

relaxing tea room for friends. This house consists of three and a half floors with private and guest areas.

They even shared housework. Each friend has her own special skills in gardening, cooking, music, and even traditional Chinese medicine. It looks like they really thought about living together!