The identical quadruplets shocked everyone : This happens 1 in 13 million

For both Kimberly and her husband, Craig, the news that they were having another child came as an absolute shock. They already have a beloved daughter, but they did not plan to have more children. Yes, and the age of Kimberly raised doubts that a woman would be able to safely bear a baby, and give birth to him without negative consequences.


But it was too early to worry too much. Two stripes on the test only spoke of a possible addition to the family. Everything had to be checked by a doctor. The doctor confirmed Kimberly’s pregnancy. After the examination, he was even able to tell more details. It turns out that the woman is pregnant not with one child, but with three. It was a shock.

Both parents and their daughter had to get used to the idea that very soon 3 babies would appear in their family. For almost 6 months, the Fugate family has been preparing to “greet” their three babies.

And so the birth began. Despite Kimberly’s age, the birth was relatively easy and calm. The woman in labor was breathing correctly, pushing in time. As soon as the doctor accepted the third baby, happy parents and medical staff breathed a sigh of relief. But exactly a second later they were taken aback by the doctor’s phrase: “I see the legs of another, fourth child!”

It turns out that the baby was reliably “hiding” behind the sisters during the ultrasound all the time. And then he appeared and led everyone into a state of shock. All the kids were identical twins! And the probability of this is negligible, 1 in 13 million.

Another shock was that all the babies born were girls! So, in a short time, the life of the Fugate family has changed radically. They turned into a large family, and acquired 4 snub-nosed reasons for happiness. That’s how fate can surprise!