Mother had her first child when she was 66 years old: This is how they live now.

You will remember the day you became a parent for the rest of your life. All of a sudden, a unique little person comes into the world and depends on you. It’s your job to make sure they have the best life possible and to help them reach their goals.

Adriana Iliescu made news all over the world when she had her first child in 2005. What’s up? She had turned 66.

When Adriana’s daughter Eliza was born, she was filled with happiness.

Now, 17 years later, new shots of her daughter are getting a lot of attention, and the old mother is back in the news.

There are days that really change everything in a person’s life. Everyone who is a parent probably says that the moment you bring your child home is something that can’t be put into words.

It’s the best feeling in the world to have that beautiful child look up at you for the first time.

Some children are already part of history when they are born.

When Eliza Iliescu was born in Romania in 2005, this is exactly what happened. The girl made history because of her mother.

Adriana Iliescu became the world’s oldest mother when she was 66 years old. Adriana’s story about giving birth to Eliza made the news, and Eliza’s birth got Adriana into the Guinness Book of World Records.

Adriana talked about being a mother and how it made her feel in 2010. She did this because she had been attacked a lot since becoming a mother. People thought she was too old and self-centered.

“The mirror is mean to women, but I feel like a young woman if we’re talking about my energy.” When I’m not as tired, I feel like I’m 27, and when I am, I feel like I’m 37. She told Daily Mail, “I am healthier than women more than half my age.”

“When people call me “granny,” they think they’re being funny, but I didn’t have Eliza to make me look younger. I don’t feel my age at all.”

Adriana, who was 71 years old at the time, told the British magazine that she wanted to have another child.

“Medically, it’s possible,” she told him. “I’ve heard that a 70-year-old woman is going through trials in England, so it could be done. I’m fine and healthy, and I think it’s possible that I could have another child someday, but I’m not in a hurry right now.”

Adriana and Eliza have grown close over the years, just like most girls and moms do. Eliza is a very happy, active, and funny kid.

Even though many people have an opinion about Adriana’s age, she says she’s a good mother and does everything for Eliza.

“I don’t smoke and I don’t drink. Eliza will be 20 when I die if I live as long as my parents did. Adriana says, “I think I still have a lot to give her.”

Adriana did not choose to become a mother so late in life. Adriana Iliescu had to have an abortion when she was young and just married because it was the best thing for her health. At the age of 24, her husband left her.

After that, Adriana worked on other parts of her life and her job as a teacher at a Romanian university.

She said, “I couldn’t even think about having a child while I was working.”

“But after I finished my doctorate at age 37, I was ready to have a child. But IVF didn’t exist back then.”

When in-vitro fertilization was first used in Romania, Adriana was 57 years old. Adriana got help, but her first pregnancy in 2000 didn’t work out.

When people heard that she wanted to be a mother, they turned away from her. They thought Adriana was doing something wrong, but she never gave up hope and was determined to have a baby.

She then got help from Dr. Bogdan Marinescu in Bucharest, which led to the birth of Eliza. In fact, Adriana got pregnant with triplets. However, two of the kids died in the womb, leaving only Eliza. She was born too soon, so she had to stay in the NICU for a long time.

But soon she was a strong little girl, and Adriana, who was very religious, wanted to bless her. Several faith groups didn’t like the fact that Adriana became a mother when she was so old. When Eliza was baptized, the nuns looked at Adriana and one of them even called her “the product of dark force.”

Adriana says that God gave her daughter Eliza to her.

Adriana Iliescu today
In 2022, it will have been 17 years since Adriana first became a mother. Even though Adriana is often thought to be Eliza’s grandma, they are now having a great time together.

But the mother with years of experience still feels good in her body and mind. She loves a lot, which is important for raising a child.

Adriana keeps writing even though she is 83 years old. She has written more than 25 books for kids and says she is in good health. Even though she looks like a great-grandmother, she still teaches part-time in Bucharest.
Adriana has also made sure that Eliza’s future is in good hands.


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Публикация от Școala Sfântul Calinic (@scoalasfcalinic)

Adriana made a deal with the doctor when she decided to use IVF. If Adriana dies, he will be the girl’s uncle and official guardian.

Adriana wants to keep her family life secret for now, but we do know that Eliza, who is 17 years old, wants to study and go to college. Brightside says that Eliza is a good student who has won awards and is following in her mother’s academic path.

She seems to be doing a better job than a lot of people her age (25 and 30). She has NO OTHER THINGS TO DO BUT TAKE CARE OF HER CHILD. Her daughter seems to be very happy, at peace, and well-rounded. She has a beautiful soul.