This video of a toddler who won’t let anyone take away her new baby sister is everything.

When a new family member comes along, every parent thinks how their child will act. Some kids can’t wait to meet their new brother or sister, while others would rather just forget about it. One family got a video of a cute moment when a little girl met her new baby sister and wouldn’t let her go.When a new baby comes into the family, many children are scared. Even though kids love and care for each other no matter what, it makes sense that a small child would worry about their parents giving more attention to a new baby.

In Pennsylvania, Henley, who was 18 months old, started acting like a big sister right away. A hospital in Pennsylvania put a video of the child and her new sister on Facebook. In just six days, the video got over 5 million views.In the video, Henley lies in a plastic cot with her little sister. When the nurse asks nicely if she can take her, Henley stares her down, shakes her head, and pulls her sister close to her.

It’s amazing to see such fierce love and defense from such a young child, but Henley is already showing the strong bond between sisters that will last a lifetime.Henley kept an eye on her little sister as she slept peacefully in her arms. The nurse asked many times if she could take the baby and even tried to lift her out of the crib, but Henley wouldn’t let her. Instead, she kept pulling her little sister closer to her and being very careful with the tiny baby.

Henley’s love for her sister from the first time she saw her is a touching example for all siblings. We may fight and make each other cry, but in the end, our love and connection is unbreakable.Tell us about the best things your siblings have done for you in a comment!

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