How does a woman with five kids whose husband has left her now live? There are pictures of the kids as they grew up.

Oksana Kobeletskaya is a multi-child Instagram mom. Oksana wanted to give her older daughter a younger brother, but when she found out she was carrying five children, she was shocked.

Oksana’s husband seemed to be a loving father and husband. In the press, there were stories about this couple.


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Публикация от Оксана Кобелецкая, Супермама (@odessafiver)

Soon after that, Kobeletskaya’s husband couldn’t handle being so responsible and left Oksana with the kids in his arms. Today, a single mom with more than one child raises her kids and tells her Instagram fans about what it’s like to be a mom.


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Публикация от Оксана Кобелецкая, Супермама (@odessafiver)

Oksana says that the blog helped her get over the sadness she had after giving birth. Oksana’s fans said things like, “Nice,” “Happy for you,” “Oksana, you’re good,” and “Stay in there.”

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