This woman is the oldest acrobatic salsa dancer. Look how she dances and how old she is! Video

Sarah Patricia Jones is a famous British salsa dancer who gained fame after she and her dance partner Nico won the Spanish talent competition T s que vales in 2009.

Paddy and Nico placed ninth on Britain’s Got Talent Season 8 in 2014. She is the oldest acrobatic salsa dancer in the world, according to the Guinness World Records.

Simon Cowell buzzed the act, but later said he was wrong and that he should have waited. After Paddy cracked her rib while practicing a new routine with Nico, it was announced on May 29 that the duo would not be able to perform on the show.

Amanda Holden voiced her disappointment, saying, ‘Ever since I first saw Paddy dance, I fell in love with her.’

Also, I believe she was the clear winner of the competition. The next day, however, it was reported that Paddy and Nico would still compete in the competition,

since Paddy’s condition had improved since the incident and she had been given the go light by physicians.

Adding, ‘Britain’s Got Talent is something I very much want to accomplish,’ Paddy revealed that she had told the show’s producers that she felt ‘fit enough to dance.’

On May 31st, Paddy and Nico advanced to the finals of the competition after receiving three yes votes from the judges, one more than the runner-up, vocalist Bailey McConnell.

On June 7th, 2014, at the live final, they did another routine and placed ninth overall.