A 24-year-old man with tattoos all over his body decides to get rid of them for the sake of his child.

Ethan Modboy Bramble is a well-known writer in Australia. The fact that this 24-year-old man has a cut tongue, clipped ears, black eyes, extended lips, a sewn-in navel, and tattoos on 95% of his body means that even people who aren’t interested will notice him.

It looks like the young man will never stop changing his body because he has a big mind and modern plastic surgery can do almost anything. But a small person changed the man’s mind. Ethan and his wife had a daughter, and she changed their lives.

The heiress’s appearance hit the blogger like a cold shower. The young father took a hard look at himself and decided to do everything he could to get his body back to its original shape as much as possible, even though his experiments cost a lot of money and caused him a lot of pain and suffering.

The famous Australian is now seeing relapse tattoo experts, but each time he goes, more and more bright spots show up on his body. When the baby girl grows up, maybe a loving father will only be able to show her in a picture how different he used to look.

How do you feel about what the loving father did? Does he know what’s best for his daughter?