A little skater’s ‘creative’ routine to the music of Moana has won the gold medal.

Figure skaters always appear ethereal as they glide across the ice. However, one young child enhanced the pleasure of her performance by ice skating to a Disney tune.

Ice skater Maqdalene Yacoba Kristanti is a youngster with extraordinary talent.She entered the Skate Malaysia competition’s rink while carrying props and donning a distinctive outfit.

But the theme of her routine really came together when the music started.

Many of us find it difficult to even envision standing upright on the ice.

However, there are also many figure skaters in this globe who have developed their abilities before turning 10.

Young Maqdalene is an Indonesian national. According to the films on her YouTube account, she has won many medals while astounded audiences with her talent.

One of her breathtaking performances, which has also garnered internet notice, is shown in the video down below. Over 6 million people have viewed it since it was posted.

Her routine is likely to charm you if you have children or enjoy Disney cartoon films.
The tune ‘How Far I’ll Go’ fills the rink as Maqdalene strikes a position and then begins to move.

She gracefully twirls while flailing her arms like the surf. Her attire is in a tropical motif because the charming movie Moana is the inspiration for her performance.

A few minutes into her act, Maqdalene takes up one of her props.She uses the paddle to simulate rowing on the ice as if it were a body of water, just like Moana does in the film.

The young woman continues to display her talent while carrying her paddle.

She eventually puts it down for a brief period of time before striking a pose and flashing a wide grin at the crowd while letting her long, dark hair flow.

Even without any accessories, ice skating is remarkable enough, but she elevates her performance by using a unique boat.

Maqdalene gingerly climbs inside a makeshift watercraft and hoists it by the handles. Then, miraculously, she continues the routine while carrying it.

Without letting the boat interfere with her powers, she lifts her leg and gracefully spins.

On YouTube, one user wrote:

Another person said, ‘Loved it, great job,’ and another said, ‘She’s so beautiful at ice skating.’

Maqdalene was vying for first place in the Character Spotlight division for ladies ages six to eight.

According to the video’s title, she won the gold medal at the Skate Malaysia competition, which showcases skilled skaters from all across South East Asia.

One more viewer said:

Wow, awesome. I wish I could perform it.