A little girl gets ready to dance, and when she raises her head, the hearts of the audience melt. Video

Ella Dobler is a little girl. However, thanks to her great talent, she has already managed to take first place for her performance in one prestigious competition. Already at the age of four, she was no stranger to both grace and sophistication, thanks to which each of her dance numbers became something special. In 2016, Ella managed to take part in the national dance competition for children called the Rainbow National Dance Competition. Thanks to her dedication and skill, she managed to give the audience an unforgettable dance number that day. And her mother recorded her daughter’s performance on a video camera and shared it with the whole world, so now we have the opportunity to see it.

Those who are lucky enough to know the young star personally know that Ella has always loved to dance, from a very young age. This girl just likes the rhythm, likes the movement, and she strives to express this love through dance. Just look at how she behaves on stage – it’s hard not to notice how much Ella herself likes it. Ella’s talent shows itself more and more every year. That is why her family at some point decided that it was time to send her to a dance school. And by the age of four, Ella was already participating in dance competitions on a national scale. She even managed to win several awards despite competing with other kids of the same age. That is why for many of Ella’s acquaintances, even her brilliant victory at the Rainbow National Dance Competition was not a big surprise. At the beginning, Ella walks across the stage and sits on it, waiting for the start of her song, Heaven on Earth.

And then suddenly takes off from the spot, striking the imagination of the audience with stunning movements! Watch this video for yourself Ella is graceful, like a forest doe! All movements are so accurate, verified that you can’t even believe that this child is only 4 years old. Of course, she won first place that day! Ella dances with the New Level Dance Company and travels around the US with fellow dancers. She has a real passion for dance, which shows through in every movement.She will definitely go far when she grows up. Are you ready to see how this beautiful girl will make the audience open their mouths in shock? Watch the video below!