11-year-old wows with a Rihanna song that was better than Rihanna herself

There are performers who can showcase their talents beyond their age, and this 11 year old Asanda Jazile is one of those amazing performers. Britain’s Got Talent is always famous for its exceptional atmosphere and uncompromising quality. Each year, this talent hunting show produces many artists and performers. Asanda Jazile is one of those incredible contenders of the season. She performed “Diamonds” so perfectly and with such confidence that everyone really enjoyed the whole performance.

Right after stepping on stage, it looked like something so fun and adorable was going to do something truly extraordinary. Asanda Jazile’s exceptional appearance raises the audience’s expectations.

Asanda Jazile is very fond of Beyonce, but you play Rihanna’s “Diamonds”. she presented the whole song in a perfect and exceptional way.

Asanda Jazile’s song choice is so brilliant and perfect. Its rhythmic interaction, its dynamics, its scenic presentation, is absolutely remarkable. Another important thing is to mention that she has the cutest smile in the world.

she presented the whole song in a perfect and exceptional way.