When the father and three boys perform an Everly Brothers song, Simon is overcome with emotion. Video

Say goodbye to the Jonas Brothers because there is a new fraternity in town—plus one! Meet The Neales, a singing group made up of Phil, Dan, and James Neil, as well as their father Laurie.

It is an honor for them to carry that name as they pursue fame.When they participated in Britain’s Got Talent’s ninth season auditions, they won people’s hearts.

A large audience is something Laurie and his boys have never performed for before. The majority of their ‘performances’took place in the privacy of their living homes on karaoke nights,

whether they were drunk or sober. But they were going to demonstrate their abilities on a more impressive stage. Literally.

You could tell they were happy and scared when the Neales entered. Each of the four men held a microphone in his hand, and they all were dapper in suits.

All four of them were eager to impress Britain and the rest of the globe as they awaited the start of the music.

When Will I Be Loved? by the Everly Brothers was performed. As soon as they opened their lips, the sounds flowed out so freely.

What a lovely chemistry these four have! Their voice blending was excellent, and it fit their band perfectly.

There was no intricate choreography, rifts, or runs needed for them. It was an uncomplicated but moving performance.

When it came time for the judges to vote, they all said ‘yes’! Their ‘beautiful blend of voices,’ said judge David Walliams, and the other judges thought the performance was poignant.

Even the notoriously difficult-to-please Simon Cowell cast a vote in their favor when it came time to cast a ballot.

What a fantastic feat they did! The Neales deserved each and every one of the four yes votes because of their compelling story.

Some of us frequently need a defining moment in our lives to shake us awake. These periods are largely characterized by tragedy,

loss, and misery, which frequently serves as a reminder that happiness is right in front of us but

that we tend to take it for granted. They arrived to this BGT performance thanks to Laurie’s insight.

Their entire family was heartbroken when Laurie suffered a heart attack. Then he realized how much of his life had been spent working, which had negatively impacted his health.

Even more so now that they each have their own jobs, his boys concurred and didn’t want their father to keep working.

They wish to take action to support their father in achieving a lifelong goal.They knew that their dad had always wanted to sing and act on stage.

What better method to accomplish this than to sign up for a well-known reality talent show? They

stunned the world with how well they could sing both individually and together using their home karaoke abilities.

The Neales continued to dazzle viewers across the world on the show and advanced to the season finale.

The sons were drawn there by their affection for their father. They were ecstatic to accomplish their father’s objective and finally let him to enjoy his life and days.