A 28-year-old man makes a home inside a dumpster for $5,000. You won’t believe what’s inside when you take a tour. Video

It’s not surprising that many individuals are embracing more… should we say unconventional methods of living in the face of growing costs and a troubled global economy. People who are giving up regular housing in favor of more economical, if eccentric, options have made some very outstanding attempts over the years. However, Harrison Marshall’s circumstance is unlike anything we have ever encountered. The London-based man returned after working in Central America and Asia with the intention of settling down. Harrison wasn’t deterred and eventually came up with a plan that let him reside in the British capital

without paying a fortune to do so. We must accept that his unconventional thinking is nothing short of admirable. According to rumors, Harrison is the CEO of the tiny architecture firm CAUKIN Studio. The organization has a lot of expertise developing structures that deviate from the standard with the goal of minimizing the negative environmental effects construction has on the world. Harrison was able to convert a dumpster in Southwark, London, for $62 a month into, get ready for this, a livable home as a result.