A flower house that blooms during the day. And the night closes like a plant. Here’s how.

Architectural inventions: dancing, floating, soaring buildings. We can list them endlessly, but this one will definitely surprise. So, let’s talk like a flower that ‘blooms’ with sunlight and ’closes’ with darkness. Where is the wonder house? The house was built in Australia, near Sydney. Whoever becomes its owner will be able to enjoy the beauties of nature, the cleanest air and views of the Pacific Ocean.

How is the house arranged inside? The secret of the flower house And now about the main secret: the walls of the house are raised with the help of a special mechanism, from the outside it looks like the blooming process of a living flower. A house is a flower that blooms during the day and closes at night like a plant.The ‘petals’ can be raised during the day, and the panels can be closed for a peaceful night’s sleep.

All walls are made of a special material corrugated copper. The house is ideal for a secluded vacation when you want to relax and be away from the hustle and bustle. Would you like to stay in such a flower house? By the way, there is also a house that adapts to the owner’s mood and weather, read how this unique residence was built, read in our article.