Fun and easy way to build your own wood fence

Having a fence around your yard is a great way to mark off property lines and add a bit of privacy to your space. You don’t need to spend a bunch of money hiring someone to get the job done for you, either.

You’ll need a few tools and materials to get a high-quality wooden fence up, and you can get it completed in just one weekend. Things like a nailer, air compressor, a drill, and a saw will come in handy.

Lowe’s recently released an easy-to-follow video detailing how exactly you can build a fence. This is the perfect excuse to invite over some friends, order a pizza, and spend time in the beautiful sunshine.

You’ll learn everything from how to prepare, the installation process, laying out the posts, and more. Save yourself a bundle while learning a new skill at the same time. Before you know it, you’ll have a gorgeously crafted wooden fence that will make your neighbors jealous.